Monday, November 28, 2011

MissHersheys' REAL TALK RANDOMZ: Your Prejudices are Naive!

NYC Proposition 8 protest 3
(Click image for link back to original destination and more work by david_shankbone)

We tend to have a problem embracing or accepting what is different. It's funny how as young children we are able to accept anyone but not until we are brainwashed by others around us do we learn prejudices. We are taught differences and we are taught prejudices. Some of us are taught to dislike those who are different from us for reasons that are probably unknown to us because the majority of the time, those who we proclaim to hate have done nothing to us personally. Who are we to say that being different isn't right? We were all placed on this great green earth by the same creator and it is only that creator who should judge us.
My gripe, in this particular instance, is about the feelings and attitudes that are exhibited towards gays in our society. Some of us have been born with 11 toes, 12 fingers, 2 heads, and/or developmental disabilities, etc., so it is evident that our biological makeups are not always 100% accurate. If a person, known as a hermaphrodite, can be born with 2 sex organs, who's to say that another person can't be born with the wrong one altogether? Who is to say that a person born in a male's body can't have the heart and mind of a woman and vice versa. Many try to say that men and women were placed here to procreate and it is wrong for same-sexed individuals to carry on relations with one another. Well, I ask, what about the infertile woman and the impotent man...explain to me what their purpose would be to carry on relations with anyone. They were all placed here with the rest of us and our many imperfections and differences. I believe that no one would choose to make themselves be so different that they would have to live with being uncomfortable and ridiculed for life. This is why they hide and live in fear and no one should have to go through life that way. Prejudices stem from ignorance and an unwillingness to embrace knowledge and accept what is different. We need to continue to open our minds and gain an understanding for the things that go on around us rather than focusing on creating hate for situations and things that we obviously have no control over.
My name is MissHersheysKiss and I approve this message. No I'm not gay, but I do have a voice!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

 polka dot gift box cake
(Click the pic to find more work by sweetangeldelights)

This is the month of the Scorpio! a little bit more about me...I just turned the big 3-0 a week ago and taking a whole new path in life that I had no idea I'd be on. I didn't have the best of childhoods and surely didn't give myself a chance to enjoy my twenties. I was too busy appeasing the masses by doing what everyone else thought was right and good. We all have to learn that what looks good on paper isn't always they say, “Everything that glitters ain't gold.” I stayed in a relationship for 10+ years that both of us knew wasn't right for a long time and worked a job that made me need to see a shrink and I had to come to a realization that I had to take care of me and let go of the things that were no longer good for me. You are no good to take care of anyone else unless you are taking care of you first. This year a lot of changes were made. I took a step out on faith and laid all of my troubles down. I had to fight through the bad advice of family and friends and had to endure the comments of naysayers. It's funny how other people always think that they know what's right for you but now, in my life, I'm taking care of me and I have never been happier and the people around me are better off for it. Yes, I started all the way over but now I no longer have to worry about my children living in an environment that is not right for them. I have started a new career that is rewarding and fulfilling and now in the process of unfolding a few more tricks out of my sleeves full of things and business ventures that I have always wanted to engage in in the past. I'm excited and I have a whole new motivation in life. My thirties definitely look a whole lot better than the years before. Happy Birthday Scorpios! Find your happy place!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Are You Depressed?

Sad man in the streets of San Francisco
(Click image for link back to original destination and more work by javi.velazquez)

Does life have you down? Have you started alienating yourself from your family and friends? Are you screaming, "F--- Da World!" If your answer is yes then chances are you have succumbed to some form of depression. Bob Murray, PhD and Alicia Fortinberry, MS of the Uplift Program state, "Depression is one of the greatest problems and killers of our time." The Centers for Disease Control says that approximately 9% of Americans report that they are depressed (that's approximately 18mil+ Americans). We are living in a time where divorce and unemployment rates are at a high which are contributors to depression. 

Along with increased depression rates comes increased rates of suicide. So as our economy and our families decrease in stability our rates of depression and suicide increase. “Economic problems can impact how people feel about themselves and their futures as well as their relationships with family and friends,” Feijun Luo, an economist in CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention said in a press release. People get consumed in what is going on right now and many see no end to hard times and can't focus on the possibilities of tomorrow. They push away their support systems and are left alone with their own thoughts which is the most dangerous thing one can do during a time of devastation. 

I'm a firm believer of keeping hope and keeping faith. We've all heard the words, "Sometimes you've gotta go through something to get to something" and I'm a firm believer in that as well. Many of us get frustrated and we give up before we make it through the tunnel to see the light. I want to tell you that there is light at the end of that tunnel. Don't give up and don't give in. Fight depression, fight your sadness, and surround yourself with positive people and positive thoughts. I too have been in that statistic of those reportedly depressed, not knowing where the next job, next meal, or even the next place to sleep would come from but I had to learn to Let Go and Let God. Know that whatever your faith may be, troubles don't last always. 

"Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is only a vision. But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day, for it is life, the very life of life." ~The Sanskrit

Monday, November 7, 2011

Dr. Conrad Murray...Guilty!

Michael Jackson Tribute
(Click picture for link back to its original destination and other work by themmg)

Do we all really feel that Michael Jackson's death was a homicide? Whether we do or not, the Los Angeles County Coroner does, which means that someone was responsible for paying for that death. That someone just so happens to be Dr. Conrad Murray. Michael Jackson was pronounced dead on June 25, 2009 due to acute propofol intoxication which caused him to go into cardiac arrest. Before his death, propofol and other anxiety medications had been reportedly given to Jackson and all of these drugs require the consent of a doctor before prescribing or administering. The person responsible for monitoring Jackson's health at the time was Dr. Murray. Murray was charged in February 2010 with involuntary manslaughter and pleaded not guilty. Many people, saddened by the death of Jackson, blamed Murray and some did the alternative and blamed Jackson. One argument is that Jackson was an adult who was capable of making decisions for himself. Another argument is that Jackson was a known addict and passed away as many other stars have (getting a fix). Though those arguments can be considered valid, and Dr. Conrad could have been easily following requests of Jackson to appease him, at the end of the day Dr. Conrad is the medical professional and a patient should not be allowed to dictate his/her own treatment. It is simply his fault due to negligence. It may be Dr. Conrad's greed that ultimately led to his own demise. Dr. Murray had the responsibility of appropriately monitoring Jackson's health and administering his medications properly. If it is the case that at any time he felt that Jackson or any other patient was inappropriately requesting or administering medication, he had the choice to stop the treatment of that patient and refer them elsewhere. Dr. Conrad chose to continue treating Jackson and therefore becomes responsible for the outcome of that treatment. So is he guilty? When you choose to take on the responsibility of holding lives in your hand, as with any doctor, you take on the responsibility in acting in the best interest of those lives. We all may know deep down that Dr. Murray did not intentionally intend too cause harm, let alone death, to Jackson but he did not use his better judgment and if nothing else is guilty of that.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

MissHersheys' REAL TALK RANDOMZ: Why you mad at her?

Barbie cat fight

 Going through your man's cell phone...huh? Found a couple of numbers...huh? Maybe a couple of pics? First of all, why are you in his phone? Secondly why do many women resort to calling the females whose numbers appear in the phone? But hold up, an even larger problem is that when you call you have the nerve the be upset an have an attitude with her! First of all if you're so bold to call her instead of checking your man, have the decency to at least approach her like a woman. It's nothing wrong with being polite because 9x's out of 10 she has no idea who you are in the first place. When you go to her upset, yelling, cursing, and have now lost a potential ally who could actually aid u in busting the true culprit (YOUR MAN) but now instead you have gone and pissed her off. Secondly, like I said you should actually be checking your man first, and if you're like, “Nah, I'm not asking him because he'll just lie about it,” then you should ask yourself, why are you with him in the first place. Trust is a key foundation to any relationship and if you can't trust the one you're with, either because of your own insecurities or something that they've done, then it is probably time to move on. Believe me, you'll save yourself a lot of headaches and STALKING in the long run. I know I just addressed women in this discussion but the same can be said of men...I know you're out there going through your girl's phone and FaceBook. All of you JUST STOP IT!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kim Kardashian...Over So Soon?

Kim Kardashian by David Shankbone
Can any of us say that we didn't see this one coming but weren't we secretly hoping for the best? I am definitely an advocate for knowing when to leave a relationship that is going down the wrong path but I do not condone the sanctity of marraiage being used as a hoax. Let's hope that those rumors are false and that this marriage was not a ploy simply for monetary gain but then again, this is America where most actions are led by greed. It is truly sad when something that is supposed to be so sacred, becomes someone's business venture. Then again, this is just speculation, who knows the real reason behind the Kardashian and Humphries marriage or it's quick demise but those who participated. More allegations have surfaced with some concluding that Kim and Kris' relationship was a tumultuous one which caused the split and others speculate that the soon to be, "Ms." Kardashian, has called off her marriage to rekindle her flame with her ex Reggie Bush. Only time will tell the latter. Wishing Mr. Humphries the best, as he states that he will fight for his marriage, but it looks like Kim has her mind set on this one. Wishing Kim the best at what appears to be a long road ahead of perplexing romances.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Move On! I have...

broken heart
Ok, so we've all had a bad relationship a time or what makes it so hard for some of us to move on? Why does it become so hard to realize that sometimes things work out and sometimes they JUST DON'T? Well I'm here to tell you to that though it may be hard to get it through your head that what you thought was forever is over and done, there is no need to cry about it. We, as people, tend to hold on to things (and people) because we tend to get comfortable with them. It is not necessarily that we can't live without these things (or people) but rather we are accustomed to living with them. You'll soon learn that getting up and getting over it is definitely better for you in the long run. No one should feel the need to hold on to something that is no good for them. No one should feel the need to remain with someone who is not capable of making them happy. No one should feel subjected to remain in a relationship with someone just to appease the masses (u, friends, and society) just because it looks good and sounds right. No one has to live in that situation but YOU, so if it's not right, for whatever that reason may be please Move On and everyone will be a lot better for it in the long run. Don't get me wrong, and think that I don't know that it is possible for all relationships to have problems and that a lot of those problems can be fixed...but years of the same ol' issues should not be is short and who says it has to be lived miserably. The story of my life...I'M MOVING world, here I stand waiting and ready to embrace what's next.

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